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Undocumented Youth and Green Card

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) is a path to a green card for undocumented youth whom a juvenile court finds cannot be reunified with one or both...

Green Card Through 245(i) Inside the US

One way to qualify for a green card inside the United States without leaving is to prove that you have been “inspected and admitted or paroled.” What...

Fiancé Visa or the Marriage Green Card- Which One Is Right For Us?

You have been in a long-distance relationship with your foreign national significant other, and things are going really well. You have decided to take your relationship to...

Steps for Successful Green Card Through Marriage

When a US citizen or green card holder and an immigrant get married, they can apply for a marriage based green card. Success in this type of...

Steps to Becoming a US Citizen through Naturalization

Naturalization is the process of becoming an American citizen for an immigrant from another country. Not all immigrants are eligible for citizenship; an immigrant has to have...
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